connecting hurting hearts to hope
Chesterfield• Wentzville • Online
Professional counseling in Missouri
New Hope Counseling is a nonprofit organization that provides professional counseling services in the St. Louis area. Our counselors are Christians who believe that all people are worthy of being treated with dignity and compassion. We believe that growth and healing are possible in the context of a caring relationship. The clients we have the privilege of seeing come from various backgrounds, faiths, and worldviews. Our counselors have a variety of styles and approaches so that therapy can be tailored to meet each client’s unique needs. Whatever you need to explore with our counselors will be met with respect, kindness, and compassion.
Licensed mental health professionals.
All of our therapists have master’s degrees in the field of mental health. They are either Licensed Professional Counselors, or Provisionally Licensed Counselors who practice under supervision until they meet full licensure requirements. All of our therapists are accountable to the Missouri Committee of Professional Counselors and its code of ethics. In addition to professionalism and practiced experience, you will also benefit from the wisdom, humanity, and non-anxious presence of our counselors.
Find a therapist near you.
New Hope Counseling has two convenient locations: Chesterfield and Wentzville. Our primary office in Chesterfield is located near the intersection of Baxer and Clayton. All of our therapists see clients at this location on various days. Our second location is in Wentzville, near the intersection of highways 70 and 64. The Wentzville office is located inside the building of New Creation church, and 4 of our counselors see clients there as well. We also offer virtual sessions for those who are unable to participate in person.
Areas of Expertise
Book a call today.
Reaching out for help requires a great deal of courage, and we are so glad you’re here. Finding a counselor who is a good fit for you is important to us. We have a large staff, each with their own approaches, personalities, and experience, in order to meet a wide variety of needs. You are welcome to reach out to any of our counselors directly to set up an appointment or simply ask questions. If you are not sure where to start, our intake coordinator would be happy to answer your questions and connect you with a counselor to fit your needs.